All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish
St. Andrew | St. Conrad | St. Michael The Archangel | St. Paul | St. Peter
Music Ministry
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Choosing the music that will be used in your wedding is a fun and exciting process. Listed here is a small assortment of some of the more popular options that couples choose to use in their wedding ceremony. The songs listed on this page are just a sample of what is available. Any other ideas are also welcome!
Please refer to the following Wedding Preparation Worksheets to begin the planning process. These worksheets will walk you through the spots in your ceremony that require music. Please note: All planning worksheets are due to the Music Director (Catie Brown - cbrown@allsaintsbutler.org) at least 1 month prior to your wedding day.
Weddings at All Saints Parish
Suggested Music
Responsorial Psalms:
Psalm 128: "Blest Are Those Who Love You" (Haugen)
Psalm 128: "Blessed Are those who fear the Lord"
Psalm 89: "Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord"
Psalm 128: "May The Lord Bless Us All The Days of our Lives"
Psalm 33: "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen, chosen to be his own"
Psalm 98: "Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds"
Every Morning In Your Eyes (Cooney)
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Pritchard/Wesley)
Every Morning In Your Eyes - (R. Cooney)
Love Endures All Things (M. Haugen)
We Have Been Told - (David Haas)
Here I Am, Lord - (Dan Schutte)
I Have Loved You - (Michael Joncas)
When Love Is Found (Hal Hopson)
Prayer of St. Francis - (Sebastian Temple)
Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Allegro-Maestoso: Water Music (Handel)
Preludes/Seating of the Mothers:
Beautiful Savior (Instrumental - Fettke)
The Bridal Prayer (R. Copeland)
One Hand, One Heart (S. Sondheim)
He (J. Richard)
Perhaps Love (J. Denver)
Lord, Give Them This Day
All I Ask of You (A. L. Webber)
Two Candles
The Prayer
Walk Hand In Hand (R. Hamilton)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
Beautiful Savior (Instrumental - Fettke)
O God, Beyond All Praising (Holst - Jupiter)
Available Instrumental Soloists (additional fees apply):
Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone)
Brass (Trumpet)
Strings (Violin, Cello, Guitar)
Questions? Contact Catie Brown, All Saints Parish Music Director
cbrown@AllSaintsButler.org / 724-991-9868

Important - Please Note:
The Music Director at All Saints Parish is required to maintain the principles set forth in the Church's Documents on the Liturgy, as well as those outlined in the Diocese of Pittsburgh's "Music for the Wedding Ritual: A Guide for Planning".
Music preceding and throughout the public celebration of the Sacrament must be that which befits the Church's teachings, and must be perceived as prayer.
Due to their secular nature, the cathedral is prohibited from using 'The Bridal Chorus” (Here Come’s the Bride).
Please be aware that many web sites are devoted to music for weddings, however, few of these web sites are required to meet the basic needs that are set forth for music in sacramental celebrations. Be careful!
Because choosing wedding music in adherence to the various guidelines set forth by the diocese can be confusing, any questions regarding the suitability of music can be discussed with the Music Director, Catie Brown.
Wedding Fees are subject to changed based on availability of staff Organists.
The Parish has a team of cantors/organists who typically provide the music for each wedding. If you have a musician that you would like to bring in for your service, please discuss this with the Music Director, Catie Brown.
All fees are due BEFORE your wedding ceremony (recommended to be given to the priest at the rehearsal, or dropped off prior to the wedding at the St. Paul Church Office). If your payment is not received prior to your wedding, there will be no music provided for your liturgy.