All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish
St. Andrew | St. Conrad | St. Michael The Archangel | St. Paul | St. Peter
Music Ministry

All Saints Parish Choir
The All Saints Choir is an active musical group with over 60 members. Singing a diverse repertoire of music, the choir serves to bring its listeners closer to God through artful worship. The choir rehearses weekly and performs each Sunday at the worship sites throughout our All Saints Parish Community. The choir can also be heard singing at important worship events during the year (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Weddings, Funerals.. etc.).
Youth and adults ages 15 and over are invited to join at any time! For more information, contact Catie.