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Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4).


May the peace of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Our deepest condolences go to those who have lost loved ones and mourn their passing. The clergy, pastoral staff, and parish family of All Saints Parish offer you our prayerful support. While we are not able to take away the pain of losing a loved one, we hope to help you find God’s loving presence in the midst of grief and suffering, because he is close to the brokenhearted (Ps 34:18).

The contents of the booklet below aim to assist you in understanding and planning the funeral services of your loved one.


Pastoral Care Ministry:  

Sue Cadwallader, Director of Pastoral Care

724-287-2743 ext. 4


Sr. Nancy Schnur, Pastoral Care Assistant


Funerals at All Saints Parish

General Funeral Hymns:

On Eagle's Wings

I Am The Bread of Life

Here I Am, Lord

You Are Mine

Amazing Grace

Be Not Afraid

How Great Thou Art

I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper)

Prayer of St. Francis

Eye Has Not Seen

We Have Been Told

Behold The Lamb

We Remember

Sing With All The Saints

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Ancient Words

Gift of Finest Wheat

Blest Are They

I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say

Taste and See

The Irish Blessing (May The Roads Rise Up...)

The Old Rugged Cross

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Age To Age

Alleluia, Sing To Jesus

All Creatures of our God and King

Center of My Life

Abide With Me

Peace is Flowing Like A River

Be With Me, Lord




**This is not an exclusive list - Liturgically appropriate hymns/songs may be added at the request of the family and the approval of the Music Director.


Responsorial Psalms: 

Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd

Psalm 23: Shepherd me, O God

Psalm 25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul

Psalm 27:  The Lord is my light and my salvation

Psalm 103: The Lord is kind and merciful

Psalm 122:  Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.



Hymns to the Blessed Mother:

Hail Mary, Gentle Woman

Immaculate Mary

Ave Maria (Schubert) 

Ave Maria (Norbet)

Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod - Instrumental)




Eternal Father, Strong To Save (Navy Hymn)

America The Beautiful

Battle Hymn of the Republic



Song of Farewell: 

Song of Farewell (Sands)

May The Angels Lead You Into Paradise (Hughes)

Suggested Hymns


All Saints Parish - Butler, PA



St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church                   St. Conrad's Roman Catholic Church          â€‹                St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church

1660 N. Main Street Ext.                                        125 Buttercup Road                                                       432 Center Ave. 

Butler, PA  16001                                                     Butler, PA   16001                                                           Butler, PA  16001




St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church                        â€‹St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church

128 N. McKean Street                                            127 Franklin Street 

Butler, PA  16001                                                     Butler, PA  16001



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