All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish
St. Andrew | St. Conrad | St. Michael The Archangel | St. Paul | St. Peter
Music Ministry

Cookie Salak Memorial Scholarhship
Established in 2015 by the All Saints Parish Choir (formerly St. Fidelis/St. Conrad Church Choir), the annual Cookie Salak Memorial Scholarship honors graduating high school seniors who are active in the music programs in their church, school, and community. Cookie’s passion for music was undeniable, and her relentless efforts to help others pursue their musical dreams helped to shape countless lives and brought high-quality music to the Butler Area for over sixty years. The creation of this memorial fund is an attempt to memorialize Cookie’s musical legacy and recognize those graduating students who will continue to assist in the development and enhancement of music in our church and community.
Recipients of the Cookie Salak Memorial Scholarship are:
- 2015 -
Maeve Berry
- 2016 -
Hannah Williams and Tiana Schaffner
- 2017 -
Caera Berry and Luke Walker
- 2018 -
Kayla Karenbauer and Sarah Hepfl
- 2019 -
Anna Kaufman
- 2021 -
Camden Rockcastle
- 2022 -
Bridget Feczko
- 2023 -
Anya Maschmeier
- 2024 -
Colin Dorcy
Funds for the scholarship are secured through individual donations, and music concerts given throughout the year. The scholarships range from $500-$750 each.
The All Saints Parish Choir is proud of the work that these students have accomplished, and wishes them continued success in the future as they carry on Cookie’s mission of recognizing the importance of dedication, hard work, and pride in yourself and your faith.