All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish is looking for musicians to provide music for, and supplement ensembles, at our masses.
The following instrumentalists are always needed:
Organists & Pianists to play weekday/weekend masses
Woodwind/Brass/String players to play at weekday/weekend masses and Weddings.
Guitarists for both the Contemporary Music and Spiritan Folk Groups
Drummers/bass/guitar/keys players for the Contemporary Group
All Saints Parish
St. Andrew | St. Conrad | St. Michael The Archangel | St. Paul | St. Peter
Music Ministry

In Butler, we love when our parishoners share their time and talent with the congregation through song! Our team of dedicated cantors lead music at all of our Masses each week. Singing at 1-2 Masses per month, cantors are provided with flexible schedules that meet everyone’s own individual scheduling needs.
If you're interested in being a song leader at our weekly Masses, contact Catie for more information at cbrown@AllSaintsButler.org

Student Cantors
Students in grades 4-12 are invited to join the Student Cantor Ministry. In this new initiative, teams of students sing together in a small group to help lead our parishoniers in song at various Masses throughout our Butler churches each month. Parents are emailed the music and rehearsal recordings for each Mass, allowing students to listen to and practice for their assigned Masses at home.
Most songs will be familiar to students as they are songs that we sing at school and at church each week. Students arrive at church 45 minutes before Mass to practice together.
If you're interested in being a song leader at our weekly masses, contact Catie for more information at cbrown@AllSaintsButler.org